Continuous improvement of the programme

An adaptable programme

Which actions work best?
Which actions work less well? How can they be improved?

Once the workshops have started, it is essential to take a step back and analyse the actions implemented, to understand what works, why? under what parameters? what does not work, why? what can be improved and how? Actions can be adapted. It is necessary to understand the causes of success and failure of the workshops, which will allow the ASPIRE programme to be sustained and to be made sustainable.

Continuous improvement of the programme
If more people are to join the ASPIRE programme, the actions must be adapted to their needs and expectations. To do this, we need to:
o Select the actions that worked best in order to propose them to the next participants
o Understand why the actions do not work in the territory:

a) Is it a problem related to the person who proposes the action?
b) Is the content understandable?
c) Does the activity meet the needs of the participants?
d) Is it related to the planning?
e) The location of the action?
f) The number of people present
g) Is the cohort mature enough for this type of action?

Once the causes have been identified and analysed, corrective measures need to be taken to make them work in the future. The ultimate goal is to adapt the contents of the modules/interventions to the local context. It should be borne in mind that what works in one location does not necessarily work elsewhere. Moreover, some actions cannot be corrected.


“It is important to adapt the programme to the changing needs of the participants. For example, the rising cost of fuel in 2022 put our participants in a greater risk of poverty and inability to heat their homes, so we introduced slow cookers into healthy eating activities. It helps to save on energy. We packed activities together, while they are cooking, they have a discussion on healthy eating, then learn about budgeting, go to the garden, it was an opportunity to combine workshop to better help participants”.

Ivan KENT, Project Manager Be Change, Aylesham

“When we set up the workshops, we added a psychologist to our team, which enabled us to work in greater depth on the basic problems encountered by the participants during individual sessions”
Céline CAUSERET, Project Manager at Vivons en Forme, Saint-André-lez-Lille