Selection: location and engagement with partners

Where the project will have the most impact?

How to build effective partnerships?
Scope who is already providing expertise in the local area?
Don’t duplicate the existing offers, and fill the gap

The location of the project is crucial for its success.
The choice of the location should use the statistics and local experience.

Identifying the location
In order for the project to succeed, it is essential to find the best location for the ASPIRE hub and the partners to help deliver the activities. This location should consider a variety of aspects, i.e. easily accessible by the cohort to public transport or how to access the hub by foot. It is important to take into account any transport difficulties the target group may have.
A focus for the project could look at supporting deprived areas.
Proximity is key to the success of the project, so it is important to find the right combination between the city centre and rural areas.

Identifying the partners
The selection of stakeholders is also crucial. Complementary partners should be selected, so they can offer a larger choice of activities for the participants. It is a key element to engage the following people about the ASPIRE project for them to refer people.

To increase awareness about the project and its aim, it will be important to organise meetings with:

The benefit of arranging meetings between the various partners makes it possible to publicise the programme and to set common objectives for the programme. It will also allow referrals pathways between all stakeholders to be developed. By working in partnership, this allows people to benefit from the best possible support and for partners to develop resources to guide people through the programme.

Keys partners:

Identification of an inspirational leader
This is a person who has a good knowledge of the local area and who knows all the available resources.
This person will be in charge of the projects implementation, planning and follow-up. This person will have responsibilities for the promotion of the project.

Supporting Documents